Wednesday, February 15, 2012

In the cat house...

The cat is in the cat house...

During the night she peed on one of my black leather boots.  And then proceeded to use her claws to knead the leather (like she would do in her catbox to the cat litter).  So, I have some minor tears in the leather now...

I didn't realize said boot was stinky until AFTER I arrived a work and I arrived late, so I did not have time to try and scrub out the smell till the afternoon.  I just hope nobody else realized the faint waft of cat pee coming from me.

I threw it in the wash and it had better be smelling fresh as a daisy if kitty wants any sort of leniency.

For the record, I have NO idea why she did such a thing.  She was pretty restless last night and just felt like going wherever she wanted. Maybe she didn't like her cat litter.  Who knows.  All I know is that kitty is not in my good graces today.  :(
read: Cold Magic
taste: buttered, salted yellow squash, mmmm
see: my hubby watching a rather violent new show...blech
hear: kitty meowing, as per usual
smell: squash
touch: fuzzy socks within fuzzy slippers
think: that the cat is very annoying
feel:  annoyed (could you tell?)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Love Day!

Well, it has been a lovely holiday.  Today is a day to celebrate love in my mind at least.  If you don't happen to be a member of a romantic couple, than you will celebrate differently.  There are no limits to love and therefore no wrong or right way to celebrate.

Micah bought me flowers on Sunday (to beat the rush:P).  So, I've already enjoyed that gift.  Then he bought me some gorgeous amber drop earrings with silver filigree.  I'll wear them sometime and take a pic so you all can see.

I bought Micah a Calvin Klein shirt that was 80% off.  Quite proud of myself for that one.  I also bought him some underwear (he needed them) and toffee crunch chocolate (frango brand, totally addictive) and a papyrus card (those are always so classy and cute).

We had a gift card for PF Chang's, so off we went to dinner.  I dressed up and wore my handmade wedding jewelry for the second time.  We had appetizer, drinks, main meal and even a mini dessert and only paid 2 dollars.  :)  Score again!  I did my best to embarass Micah by asking for kisses in public *gasp*.  He's so funny...  We must've been a cute couple today though because all the servers kept walking by and smiling at us. 

They gave us 6 fortune cookies, so I'm sitting here now dunking them into my Earl Grey tea and munching them.  My fortunes so far are:  "You are imaginative in using your skills.  Apply this next week." and "Your efforts are budding - results will appear soon".  Can you be any more generic? Ah well, even cliché positivity is still nice now and then.

These days I've been a regular sub, meaning you just accept whatever random job pops up online.  I've taught 4 special ed. classes, 4th and 6th grade so far.  I teach science tomorrow and then math I believe the rest of the week.  I think I've been doing a pretty good job considering, since just walking in and maintaining control and getting the chilluns to learn is a challenge.  Next week is midwinter break though, so I'll be twiddling my thumbs trying to entertain myself.  Perhaps I'll blog more! :P

The only other big thing these days going on is that I've been gaining too much weight.  If I don't curb the weight gain I may have to get a whole new wardrobe, and that's just not something I can afford right now, soooooo, I'm trying to get in shape and eat more reasonable portions.  I'm notoriously sedentary, and considering all the research lately that talks about how being sedentary seriously up your chances of cancer and heart disease, this needs to change.  I spend way too much time at my computer.  I've been playing KINECT Adventures to do my cardio and have bought weights.  I'm just saving up a little more so I can buy a fitness kinect program and then I'll be getting my butt in gear.

Oh!  One last thing, either I'm going to need glasses, or my eyes are so strained from staring at a computer screen that I can't read writing on the whiteboard very well at all if I'm in the back of a classroom.  I'll have to do some research to see if its actually nearsightedness or eye strain.

Well, I'm off to bed to read and hopefully give my eyes something different to look at.

I'd love to hear how all of you spent your Love Day!

read: Cold Mage
taste: Earl Grey tea
see:  too much of my computer screen, evidentally
hear: Micah playing Terraria
smell: Our citrus candle (smells like raspberries to me interestingly though)
touch: fortune cookies!
think: my hubby is a sweetie
feel:  reasonably content, just need to exercise and spend less time on fb/blogs/interest/pinterest

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My kids...

En lieu of having actual children right now, I have my students, well I did.  Such is the joys and trepidations of temporary teaching jobs.  Today was the last day of my contract (1st semester only) and I was quite sad to leave.  My colleagues were friendly and helpful.  I fit in easily, considering I was only there for the 1st half.  The teacher I replaced was extremely accomodating and helpful.  My students...

My students are truly a great bunch of young people.  Sure I had a very few who refused to do homework, a couple who had an "attitude" issue (which we had to deal with on a few occasions), and 2 "sleepers", but they were mine and we learned and laughed and played and ate (french food, bien sûr) and learned some more.

I only relinquished them because I had to.  So, I said my last "au revoir" to each class and watched them go, perhaps for the last time.

My first year of teaching was pretty good, but my 2nd year was 10 times better.

I have no idea what's next for me.  I'm signed up to be a regular sub, so I may end up back at my old school now and then, but there are no guarantees.  I may find another long-term sub position elsewhere as well.

read: Cold Magic, can't remember the author atm
taste: hot chocolate
see: a computer screen I've been at for too long
hear: just the noise of electronics running right now
smell: ink from the stamps I used in my classroom (they are sitting on my desk at home now)
touch:  my hair, I constantly play with my hair...
think: getting too tired to think straight
feel: saying goodbye is so bittersweet

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

An awesome blogger...

You should read this blog about rape culture.  Be informed.