Monday, August 16, 2010

We're homeless!

Well, at least we're bunking in my old bedroom at my parents house until the powers that be have declared us to be reliable enough to move into their "exclusive" apartments. It had better be soon! I've got myriad things to do before then to get ready for school and less and less time to do it in with each passing day. Currently, I live almost an hour's drive away from the school, making it difficult to get things I need to prepare (you know, things like seeing your classroom and getting your textbooks). I can't WAIT to just move and be done with it. Blah. I hate waiting . . . .

We arrived home Sat. and opened the rest of our presents last night. But, I don't think that that will be all we get, since our local church has hinted that they will be doing a wedding shower after the fact in Sept. Yay! As it is, people have been very helpful by actually getting gifts from our registry. The few deviants have gotten us something at the very least useful. All in all, we've got a boatload of awesome stuff. There, I found something I can't complain about. Unless of course I think about trying to move that boatload, which brings me back to my original problem. Oh lawsy lawsy lawsy . . . .

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