Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Iron Goat

What's that you ask? Why it's a mining train, that replaced the goats that used to pull the mining carts up here in Canmore. And it's also the name of a restaurant here. Micah and I decided to eat there this evening, and we had a lovely time. They are one of the few restaurants with a variety of vegetarian options and everything can even be made gluten free. Not to mention a fantastic view of the surrounding mountains. We sat on the patio and it actually felt a lil like summer time. I would highly recommend this restaurant.

The husband and I wanted to act like tourists today and we went up the gondola in Banff. It had a stupendous view, especially from the point that you can walk to after arriving at the top. Banff has what I call sticky clouds, because the clouds ooze over the mountainsides with amazing speed and seem to cling to them. We had a "sticky cloud" rising up over the side of the mountain as we were heading to the point. It was fantastic to watch as it oozed towards us. But, this cloud happened to be a hail depository and by the time we reached the point, it was in full swing. The combination of warm and cold air was doing a number on my hair by this time. The husband tells me that I had about 10 single hairs literally sticking straight up on my head. He tried taking a picture, but it was too wet. He and some other random guy had a good laugh as I stood there watching them. The husband didn't have a hood, so we rushed back to the gondola, just in time for the rain to stop. The elevation was 9000 feet and we were rushing so much (and I'm probably out of shape as well) that I had to put my head between my knees. I felt better shortly and we took a few more pictures and headed down.

We then toured Banff and bought our first Christmas ornament, a frosted glass ball that says Banff, Canada on the back and has a hand-painted branch with 2 sparrows. It's simple, yet beautiful. We plan on getting an ornament every unique place that we go.

There are too many places to visit around here and too few days. We will simply have to come back.

Over and out.

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