Hello again everyone. We had very slow and unreliable internet at our small condo in Beaupré, so I had to wait until I got home before it would allow me to upload my pictures to the internet.
We had such a lovely time and saw a lot of really awesome things. I'm going to do a post for each day that we went to sightsee. Today's post is from last Monday.
We had driven by the road that led to some sort of a canyon with a huge waterfall, so we knew we wanted to see that. We also saw a sign along the road about an Art Gallery of local artists nearby, so we went there first.
We drove up the driveway and found this absolutely quaint little house.
They had some artwork in their yard, mainly metal and stone sculptures.
They had a gorgeous view. The to left of this was an adorable covered porch with an even better view but that was fenced off to the public.
As with almost every other house in Quebec, they had very well-maintained plants and gardens. So beautiful.
We were not allowed to take pictures inside the gallery, but it was very neat inside, complete with huge stone steps leading to the downstairs, stone walls, and aged hardwood floors, and large overlooking windows. The art was wonderful too, with all types, more modern art, and more realistic. None of which we could afford, but we had a nice time looking.
Anyway, the best part was that the caretaker's (and one of the artists) wife came home while we were there and told us about all of her favorite places to visit in Beaupré and Quebec City. She told us about the "sugar shack" and a scenic drive in the country to get a gorgeous view of the lower town and the St. Lawrence River. We determined to visit as many of these places as we could. She was so helpful, and a darling grandmotherly lady. Everyone here was very helpful and nice. Not that I expected any less...
Since the Canyon de Sainte Anne was closest, we went there first. It was spectacular. We walked down a path that sported several wooden animal sculptures.
Running through the canyon is the "Rivière Ste Anne du Nord" (North Sainte Anne River). Here was the beginning of the trail that led down and around this river running through the canyon. There were 3 bridges to cross. This one being the most tame.
Here is the view from the top while you're standing in the middle of the first bridge.
A side-view from the right top.
As we went further down, you could see the first bridge, and then the HUGE drop of the waterfall.
Pictures don't do it justice, but all in all it's taller than the Niagara Falls by several meters.
Down further and around the corner, the falls continue in a series of smaller waterfalls.
It was sooooo hot and humid that day. Mum and I were sweating just standing here. We decided to attempt a decent picture regardless. :P
Did you see the rainbow above? Here's a close up.
The bottom of the waterfalls opened out to this flatter area.
Some videos that give you a better idea of the majesty of this waterfall. : )
Mom conquering her fear of heights. Go you mom! : P
So after we saw the canyon, we drove to the "sugar shack". On the way there, we stopped and got the following view:
A sweet lady was there at the sugar shack, the place where they cook maple syrup. And now you will receive an education about maple syrup.
90% of the world's maple syrup is produced in Canada, and 80% of the syrup is produced in Quebec alone.
Below is a spigot in an example tree with a pail attached. During early spring when the snows are still high, they go out and put in a spigot right above snow level so the pail rests just above the snow. The spigots in Quebec are not left in year to year, the holes are allowed to close and heal after the season. Many producers in the US, if not most, use formaldehyde to keep the holes from closing up throughout the year, so they can tap the same hole every year. The problem with this is the trace amounts of formaldehyde in the syrup and the fact that their trees only live 30 years tops as opposed to 200 years with those that are allowed to reclose out-of-season. Since the snow levels in Quebec always vary, the spigots are never placed in the same holes. Every day in Quebec, they go out and collect the maple water. It is very watery and just slightly sweet. This is what's boiled down to make the syrup and it takes a very great amount of maple water to make just one liter of syrup (a 12:1 ratio I believe?). Early season makes light syrup, middle season makes darker syrup and late season collects much more actual sap making very dark syrup. The best is the middle season. Some manfacturers combine the light and dark to make "medium" but it's not the same flavor as the straight up middle season syrup.

Below is the sugar shack and on top is the smokestack that they open when boiling down maple water. That hinged panel is opened completely.

So, I've tried "maple syrup" before, bought here in the US or in Whistler, Canada and frankly, I never really liked it. It had a weird flavor that was different than butterworths, but just weird. Evidentally, this is because it's not actually full maple syrup! The US brands (you know the really expensive stuff that's called 100% real maple syrup), is in actuality only 8% maple syrup on average, with fillers. In Quebec, they're not even allowed to say on the label that it's "maple" anything unless it is completely 100% maple syrup. If it's a smaller percentage than 100% it's called "table syrup". But, even their table syrup is better than the "maple syrup" we get here in the US. Anyway, they had lots of free samples. I LOVE maple syrup! The real stuff that is. It was thick and the flavor wasn't at all weird. It was sweet and tasty and just so nummm. I bought some regular maple syrup and some cranberry flavored maple syrup (that was an excellent combo).
Never again will I buy the fake maple syrup. It's not worth it. I'm not sure how I'll get the genuine stuff. Maybe order it? I dunno, but it's just the kind you can use to make the maple syrup candy (like in Laura Ingalls Wilder books :) ). Maybe I'll buy it just for special occasions. Not sure, but I can't wait to make something that calls for my new maple syrup (which I was told was canned about a week and a half ago). :D
Anyway, that's the scoop on Monday of last week. More upcoming.