Wednesday, November 23, 2011


In honor of Thanksgiving tomorrow I'm listing the things I'm thankful for.


I think I have two of the most awesome parents in the whole world.  It almost makes me wish I had more than just two. ;)  My parents are my friends, my confidantes (not everything, but many things), my neverending supporters.  They are so important to me and special.  My sister is also a best friend.  She and I love swapping ideas and information.  She is so generous with her time and love with me.


I have two bffs from grade school. They make life that much more wonderful.  We love getting together and making fools out of ourselves in support of all the momentous occasions in each other's lives.  They are kinder and more balanced than in (I'm a firecracker, in the best sense :) and they temper me and make me a better person just from being around them even for the briefest of times.


The people I work with are wonderful.  They are supportive, they treat me as a fellow colleague despite the fact that I'm the youngest teacher there, they are helpful and interested in how things are going for me.


I have some of the most talented, sweetest relatives, in-laws (sister's in-laws too) that I could ever ask for.  While we each are far from perfect, we all love one another as close family.


For a life partner, I've hit the jackpot.  He's so easy to live with. :P  He's generous, loving, interesting, hard-working, supportive, not to mention rather attractive.  I sincerely hope that we have a long LONG future together.  So, hubby, give yourself a pat on the back when you read this. ;)

The minors that combine to make majors:

Home cooking, Christmas music, Christmas decor, Christmas lights, all things Christmas, pumpkin spice lattes, egg nog, molasses cookies, internet, books, students that clean up after themselves without being asked, students that laugh at my lame jokes, students, teaching, did I mention my students? Thai One On, love, learning, small cuddly animals, girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes... oh wait... wrong list.

School breaks, magic, imagination, love, kisses, hugs, warm beds, clean homes, fuzzy socks, laughter, jewelery, magazines, insurance, flowers, people.

There are so many things to be thankful for in my life, I hardly know how to stop. 

I shall just end by saying, "Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!"

Now bring on the Christmas Music!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Blogs I enjoy...

A particularly funny blog post about the truth about children. :P

And another post from one of my fav. mommy bloggers.  It's a letter written to their potential adoptive child (they are in the process but haven't found a match yet).  Brought tears to my eyes.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My thoughts exactly...

This blogger mommy says it well:

I don't plan on spanking our future kids, or hitting them with wooden spoons, or hitting them with any object or body part anywhere on their bodies.  It doesn't matter if it doesn't really hurt, it doesn't matter if I explain why I'm hitting them before or after misbehavior, it doesn't matter.  I will not use any sort of violence on a vulnerable child in order to scare them into a temporary behavior adjustment.  No, I plan on teaching my kids how to even discipline themselves and make good choices on their own.  Hitting simply doesn't teach this, so why use it?

Discipline is not about appearances, it is about holding a child accountable in humane ways and then guiding them into better behaviors with reason, natural consequences, and example.

If you are a parent who hits your child, you're taking the easy, less-effective way out.  Do your research and employ better methods. 

The American Academy of Pediatrics agrees with me:;101/4/723

That is all.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Twins (finally)

I was supposed to post the photos from the weekend I went to see the twins for their baby dedication, but I didn't have the pics yet, or I was busy, or just plain unmotivated to do anything besides the absolute necessary.

They are SUCH darling babes.  So far, they're very "easy" tykes, easy to please and not fussy.  As long as the major things are taken care of, they're content to just quietly experience the world.

I think its such a great thing for us all to experience and be around kids.  It helps us develop our empathetic response which makes us better people.  They are so helpless, and we are so intent on doing everything that they need, even the smallest whim.  Many times we are not able to determine what they do need and spend lots of time trying to imagine what they need by placing ourselves in their little shoes.  Good stuff.

I had a marvelous time. And, since there's two, I got quite a bit of holding time in, bottle fed a lil, and changed one diaper. I was asked at least 3 times if it made me desire to have my husband impregnate me (not quite their words, but essentially the idea if you think about it).  But, contrary to popular belief, I don't seem to be affected much amazingly.  I'm perfectly content driving across the state to cuddle and love on other people's newborns instead.

Enjoy the pictures!

Dru looking quite concerned about something or other.  He may have been concentrating on a certain bodily function, because I remember changing his diaper soon thereafter.

 The next several pics are of me and Luci the next morning.  We didn't get enough the first day and had to return.


Sorta smiling. :)

Still sleepy for a morning nap.

Ha ha, I love her lil pouty face in this one. :P

I had to get a picture of Luci and Dru at the end before I had to leave.  I didn't have the heart to ask Tonya (MIL) to give up Dru, so I just snuck in a picture at her knees.

Hope you all have an amazing start to the week.  Now off to finish Lord of the Rings and bed.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This could get interesting...

One of the blogs I read ( gives writing prompts and I've chosen this one. :)

2.) Create an FAQ page for yourself that answers frequently asked questions if people were to frequently ask you questions. People make those up all the time. YOUR TURN!

Here FAQ page.

Do you have other redheads in your family?  No, not yet.  Who knows what'll happen if we decide to have offspring (we being my sister and I).

How many kids do you want?  1 probably, MAYBE 2.

When will you have kids?  When I'm filthy  Probably around 30.

How old are you?  24, yes I know I still look 16.

Oh! you're married? Yes, yes I am.  People that look 16 but are 24 are allowed to get married. :P

Do you play video games?  Well, yes, if you count computer games.  None much lately though.  There might be one I start playing in December... (Star Wars Old Republic).

What are your hobbies?  Reading, OMG I love reading!  Into classic and newer fantasy.  Like LOTR, Harry Potter, and Tamora Pierce.  I also like to surf the internet, speak french, entertain my students, and eat.

Favorite food?  Pasta, Italian, Cheese, Creme Brulee, chocolate... oh! only ONE thing? ;)

What do you spend waaaaay too much time doing?  Surfing the internet, hands down. :P

What do you do?  I'm a high school French Teacher atm. :)  Give me high schoolers and no younger and I'm happiest!

How is teaching going?  It's going pretty good.  I'm SO busy it seems.  I finished doing the bare minimum today and will just have to finish the rest later.  My students make it so worth it, though.  I always feel sorry for my 1st and 3rd periods though because they are my "guinea pigs" while the following periods receive a much more cohesive and refined lesson plan.  They don't know any better though, so at least there's that.

Hubby:  Do you want to go to Thai Won On?  Yes dear, always.  (Our fav. restaurant a little ways down the road).

Are you hungry?  I'll never say no...

Got any weird habits?  yes, I love cleaning under my nails.  I like to decimate blackheads (my husband thinks I'm beyond gross for this). I have a problem with remembering to turn off the oven and stove. I get really really itchy legs in cold weather.  I always wake up 5 minutes before my alarm ONLY if I go to bed a 8:30pm. I like the blankets on my bed to weigh me down, regardless of the temp.