Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring has reached Seattle!

This is the third day in a row that it hasn't been a high of 40 degrees! It seems spring has finally arrived. I'm not sure if it was the combination of dark early mornings, or just having to pay our own heating bills, but I was hella ready for Spring! I can actually crack open the window and allow our apartment to smell slightly less stuffy without freezing my buns off. I can go out on the porch and soak up some ACTUAL sunshine.

In honor of Spring, I've been doing some serious scouring and cleaning. It's amazing how motivated one can get when one a. knows that Spring has arrived and b. has company coming. I've been washing sheets and throws and carpets as well as the regular things just to help our apartment smell more fresh.  Also, I'm baking a quiche. Gosh, it's amazing how easy they are to make. I cheat and buy pre-made crust, but once you do that, it takes maybe 15 minutes to throw it all in the oven. I use and just mix and match all the best quiche recipes, though I really just need to know the temp. and time to cook these days.

This weekend is my birthday weekend. I turn 24 tomorrow! While I do feel a little older (not to mention heavier since getting married), I still feel like I have so much to look forward to. This evening me and several girlfriends are going out for Sushi. Tomorrow, we're hanging out with my parents, and then on Sunday, the whole family is taking me out shopping after we meet my sister's newest members of the family (2 12 week old yorkies :D). Also, our good friend Laura is on her way out to visit and who knows what fun we'll come up with once she arrives.

I love Spring, I love my life, I love birthdays, I love my little family, gosh, I think I just plain LOVE.

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