Monday, February 28, 2011

This little guy's smile kills me . . .

I'm reading a blog about a mommy who is smart, intelligent, practical, she's into biology, what could be better?

Only one thing, her little boy's smile. If he's gonna smile, it's gonna be alllll the way! None of this half-hearted business. In short, it kills me . . .

Check him out:

Shouldn't we all be more like that. If we're gonna smile, let's mean it!

Love and a very big genuine smile to my loyal readers! :D

Thursday, February 24, 2011

10 things . . .

Yes, it is that time again, time for another survey.

10 things you most likely don't know about me:

1.  I'm notorious for killing houseplants
2.  Anything to do with touching eyeballs makes me sick to my stomach. Yes, those of you who use contacts, it grosses me out, sorry but true.
3.  I have not taken down my Christmas Decs, and probably never will. (Until we move out that is . . .)
4.  I used to hate the color red, now I love it!
5.  I have not been out of the apartment for 48 hours, unless you count the balcony, which you probably don't.
6.  I go usually a couple months between doing my toenails (yes, sometimes I go that long before I clip them! Terrible, I know)
7.  All of my worst nightmares have either been about money or numbers. (No, I do not hate or love math)
8.  I sleep 9-10 hours a day, and sometimes take a nap to boot.
9.  I swear in my head when I get really mad. : o
10.I wish that I could get a Phd and birth babies in France, then come back here to live.

There, some of you know this already, since you are related to me, but for the rest, hope you feel enlightened. ;)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Great blog advertisment :P

One of my friends from college is going into law school and has pretty much self-educated himself in so many areas. He's probably one of the more brilliant students to ever have come out of WWU.

Anyway, he's very interesting in gov. and politics, obviously, and has started a blog about his ideas and research. The latest blog post really hit home for me. We Americans are allowing the top richest 10% of our nation not only to rule our government, but to allow them to keep giving themselves tax cuts and excusing them from any real fiscal responbility or payback during a time of economic crisis. Instead, they suggest that the working class pay for our debts single-handedingly by destroying programs that help us and cutting our wages instead. I have no problem with doing my small part to close the deficit, but the key word here is INSTEAD of them doing ANYTHING, those who are most able to do something refuse to admit that they need to help as well and that in all reality, they are the ones who could help the most.

Anyway, I encourage all my readers to have a look at his blog. The post before the most recent one is important to read as well.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

On a more likely than not interesting note . . .

Last night we had a helicopter flying directly over our complex for half an hour starting at 10:30pm. We also saw a few police cars while we driving into the complex. We had an interesting time speculating what crime had been committed and watching the helicopter.

It seems every time the in-laws come over, something criminal happens in the neighborhood. :P The first time they came, we heard gun shots during the night that sounded at least as close all the apartment complex next door. It's just a funny coincidence and makes me wonder what will happen when they next come for our interest and entertainment.

We were told later that it was probably a chase that either ended by catching the criminal or they escaped.

Needless to say, once we can afford an upgrade, we'll try and find a less disconcerting neighborhood, but until then, we will be eternally grateful to live in the only gated complex in the area. :P

Lingering sickness . . .

This post will include my rantings and ravings, so if you don't want to hear/read me complain, then don't continue reading. I will try and keep my perspective though . . .

This weekend was overall great. I didn't have to do much cooking (like at all) and I believe the in-laws had a good time catching up with us and my family. We had a huge group Sat. afternoon for lunch, 15 people. Some took a walk, my once removed aunt (I think) by marriage and I chatted about our lives and philosophies, then we all played Kinect and ate grilled cheese and other various merriments till 10.

Now all this was great, except I spent the whole weekend having trouble swallowing without it being painful and just generally feeling like it was too much effort to move. Last night I started feeling the chills and aches and didn't have the energy to play or do anything but just sit and watch. This morning I felt better, but still have the throat that's perpetually on fire and now I have a headache. So, although I'm not deathly ill or throwing up, I'm getting really really tired of being mildly sick for the last week. I can't shake it. I've been sleeping at least 8 hours, drinking tons of water, eating cough drops, you name it, but it just won't go completely away! Arrrrrrrrrrgh!!!

I think I will go wallow in self pity and go take a scalding bath that will only give me temporary relief and happiness, but that's better than nothing I suppose.

Can't wait to be better! :(

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cool new blog!

I just added a blog that has gotten rave reviews from anyone who is interested in fashion and people-watching. You've probably even heard of it. It's a guy who takes photos of everyday people and how they dress, mainly in New York.

I just wanted to give a shoutout, because it has some really awesome photography. It's called "The Sartorialist" and it's found at

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Vday post

Well, everyone's doing a Vday post right? So I guess I'd better. ;)

Yesterday, my darling husband bought me flowers and a card (a card that had as much of his own writing as the card's writing, a good mark in my mind). They were a dozen (one short he found out afterwards) plus white lilies. It looks lovely on our dining room table.

I made him a candlelit dinner, a butter garlic sauce pasta with parmesan and steamed broccoli with strawberries and cream for dessert. We fed each other the strawberries. (It's just more fun that way isn't it?) I dressed up a lil as well, which I think he appreciated. I was going to buy him a card as well, but there wasn't any left for husbands! I need to try and get cards earlier I guess. We then lounged on the sofa watching episodes of The Simpsons and then may or may not have enjoyed the waters of our bathtub . . . :o Scandalous, I know.

Anyway, it was a lovely evening and I couldn't have been more pleased with our choice to stay home instead of braving the stuffed restaurants. We'll have to go out some other evening instead when we get the hankering.

So, my readers, did you all have a good Valentines? Did you start any traditions with a loved one that you'll carry on to the next year? I'm always looking for some good traditions, that's what really makes a holiday special . . .

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Life is soooo hard . . .

After a long day of eating, drinking, and sleeping under the bed, I decided it was high time for nap time under my favorite light. It's so nice n waaaaarm.

Then I woke up and wanted into mom's lap, but she pulled out a camera instead to snap pics. Where's the love ma? Hmmm? *flash* ouch!

Yeah, yeah I see you, you who ignore my pleas to be held and loved and to let me dig my claws into you out of pure affection. (you know you liiiiike it!)

When all else fails, seek out Dad. He's always good for a love . . . :) He even coos to me, prolly to make mom jealous . . . *purrs contentedly*

Monday, February 7, 2011

6 months

I don't really want to be too anti-climactic, but we are celebrating our 6th month anniversary today and we didn't do much. My poor hubby is really stuffed up, sore throat, the whole Sha-bang. I did make a delicious dinner for our anniversary though:  potatoes au gratin with roasted asparagus and mushrooms and a berry crumble for dessert with fresh vanilla whipped cream. Mmmmm. I have leftovers for lunch tomorrow too! Double mmmm.

Other than that though, Hubby's not up to much and is just hanging loose. He thought he might be up for a hot bath (perhaps with or without me, that's not for you to tell), but I'm not sure if he'll (maybe we'll) get around to it.

I figured that I'd at least find a good married life survey though to give you all an update. After all, who doesn't like to know the details of other people's marriages now and then and their philosophies about how it all works? :P

Married Life Survey

How long have you been married? - 6 months

Is this your first marriage? - yes

Is it how you imagined it would be? - I would say, yes, pretty much

What would you change? - Have more days off together.

Are you married to your soulmate? - Well, yes, but I\'m not the sort to be so naive that there\'s only one out there for me. He\'s the one I picked, that\'s what matters.

What do you argue about the most? - Hmmmm, probably feminism.

What do you see eye to eye on the most? - All our core values for the most part.

Where did you meet your spouse? - At a summer camp as camp counselors.

Where was your first date? - A movie at his house: \"The Last Samurai\"

Where were you when you became engaged? - In the park behind the girl\'s dorm at WWU.

Did you live together before Marriage? - Nope.

What was your wedding song? - Norah Jones: come away with me

Who was in your wedding party? - Women: 2 bfs from grade school, hubby\'s sister, my sister, friend from HS and two 2nd cousin flowergirls Men: Hubby\'s bf, hubby\'s sister\'s hubby, 3 college buds, 1 cousin, and my 2nd cousin ringbearer

Do you get along with the in-laws? - Yes, they are wonderful people. I am so lucky compared to most it seems.

Whats your view on Children? - My view? They\'re wonderful, amazing, so precious, a lot of work, exhausting, expensive, so worth it but not yet.

Does your spouse feel the same way? - Hmmm, he\'s not ready to admit the positives yet.

Are you a 2 peas in a pod or oppsites attract couple? - Really depends on the issue, most things I think we\'re in agreement.

Do you go out without your spouse? - Yes, usually with other friends though or to a fav. restaurant, otherwise, we\'re homebodies.

How long are you away from your spouse before you start to miss him/her? - Couple days I start to miss him.

Have you ever compared your spouse to someone you have dated in the past? - Only one other guy to compare and they are so completely different, so no.

Do you trust your Spouse? - With my life.

Does your Spouse trust you? - Yes.

How well do you know your spouses favorites? - I would say pretty darn well. I\'m intuitive like that.

How well does your spouse know your favorites? - I would say pretty darn well, especially since I\'m very vocal about my likes and dislikes.

Do you get along with your spouses friends? - Yes, they\'re all great people.

Does your spouse get along with your friends? - Yes, though he\'s a lil shy at times.

Did you go on a honeymoon? - Yes, of course!

Do you watch the same TV shows? - Yes, quite a few.

Can you agree on Pizza toppings? - Sure, we\'re both pretty flexible.

Who takes out the trash? - Whoever gets fed up with it first.

Who does laundry? - Hmmm, usually me, but he surprises me often.

Who is the first one to wake up in the morning? - Really all depends on the day. We have very random schedules.

Do you have any traditions? - We buy an ornament from every place we\'ve traveled, that\'s all I can think of so far.

Is there anyone in your spouses family that you cant stand? - Nope.

Anyone in your spouses family you adore? - Yes, Kira and Julia.

Do you know your spouses passwords/pins? - yes.

Does your spouse know your social security number? - No.

Do you ever nag your spouse? - Now and then.

Do you admit wrong doing? - Always, though it might take a bit . . .

Does your spouse? - Yes, he\'s pretty careful not to say things he regrets though, so he doesn\'t have to apologize as much.

How would you grade your sex life? - 8 out of 10 and 10 being TOO good to ever stop.

When is the last time you or your spouse bought eachother flowers? - He usually buys flowers, I think a month ago was the last time?

Whew, that was kinda long. And slightly boring questions . . . I'll have to find a better one for our year anniversary.

xoxoxo ~Jill

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Remember this picture? A 1.5 month old baby Sienna. So tiny and so precious.

But look how's she's grown! Oh my goodness how time flies!

Here she is in an impromptu ladybug costume. I can hardly believe how much she's grow, how even her features have changed.

She's really developing into a truly very pretty little girl. Soon she won't even be considered a baby, which is bittersweet.

She is a pro sitter-upper and I expect to hear about her crawling any day now. She's lifted her hips off the ground last I heard while on her tummy. She loves to move her arms and legs and adores bathtime. (she always has, so I think she's part mermaid)

She is already over 7.5 months old, 7 months 2 weeks and 4 days to be exact.

Both uncle and I are counting down to when we get to see our niece again. Sadly, we don't know when that will be yet since our lovely niece lives across the US on the other coast.

Dear C-nenna,

You are such a wonderful niece, our very FAVORITE. We are so pleased to hear how much you are learning and growing, though we are not surprised that you're already overachieving. We loved seeing you and holding you and loving you over Christmas and look forward to being able to do so again. Until then, you will always be in our thoughts and hearts.

Auntie and Uncle love you more than bears love honey (and everyone knows that's an awful lot!) xoxoxoxo

PS. We hope you feel better soon! We know mommy and daddy are taking very good care of you, but we all want you to be in the best shape to eat, play, sleep, and enjoy your baths to the fullest asap!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A baby me . . .

Here's my daddy holding Janelle, holding me. How do you like my little outfit! :P I think we are such a good-looking family, except we're missing my beautiful mother of course. I should ask her to scan some of the pictures of herself and me during this time, they are so precious.

Just thinking of the sacrifice and love that my parents and sister gave me brightens my day. Next post will be another update on my darling niece, "C-nenna". If it's possible, she grows cuter and more able to do things herself every day. I'm sure her mommy would concur.

On one last note, I have to give kudos to my darling husband. He vacuumed and took out all the trash today and the apartment looks so much better now. I was a lovely surprise and he even brought home some cheesecake to boot because I was really worried today about whether my '95 car would pass emissions. (It did, thankfully and new license plate/number are on its way.) I love you, Micah. You're so good for me.