Saturday, August 11, 2012

Our last day of touring we went to see "les 7 chutes" or the seven waterfalls. I got a couple of good ones from the top of the seven where the dam was built. We took a little tour of the powerplant that was built some time ago that harnessed the power of these particular river. They didn't allow pictures of the inside and the outside of the building was pretty plain and factory-building looking.

Below is a picture of the dam.

Another rainbow that need to be captured... :)

An even better look at the first and greatest of the 7 waterfalls.

On the last day we decided to stop by a Tim Hortons, as was recommended to us, to try some Timbits (the donut holes). The one on the right was called "Hollandaise" and the left was "cerise" (cherry). Now, I was under the impression that Hollandaise was the sauce one puts over eggs benedict. Maybe here they actually meant "from holland" or some such though because there was no "eggy" flavor. It was a cinnamon-raisin flavored donut. The cherry didn't tast like REAL cherries, so I rated is a 6 out of the 10. The Hollandaise one I rate an 8. Mum and I each had a bite. Now we can say we ate Timbits!  :P

There were a couple of pics of me eating them, but I looked like I was a monster devouring them, so I thought I'd skip it.

Tomorrow we head off for a family vacation with ALL the in-laws, as in my parents, my aunt, my sister and her husband, sister's hubby's parents, and me and my hubby and his parents. It should be quite the crew.

I have some nice pics of the new kitten my parents have now and a few from a wedding I just attended today. Those will be good blog posts for later.

Sorry this post is so short, but if you missed all of my other posts about Quebec, just click the title of my blog after scrolling up and all of my posts will show up one after the other on the page so you can see if you missed any. There's some pretty awesome videos and photos...

Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! Soon I will be back subbing the beginning of september. *sigh* the things we do to pay the bills, but that is another topic entirely.
read:  A new series in which the first book is called "eyes like stars". If you like playacting and fantasy, you'll like this series. (and I'm still waiting on bitterblue, the last book to the previous series I started 
taste:  grapefruit juice 
see:  tons and tons of people talking about Mr. Ryan, the GOP VP nominee. Oh the drama *rolls eyes*
hear: nothing much, just waiting to hear the sound of a car dropping my darling husband off.
smell: see taste...
touch: My satin bathrobe...delish
think:  that I should prolly hit the rack (I haven't packed at all yet, but I'm putting it off till morning)
feel:  tired