Sunday, December 11, 2011

This week will be busy.  I have a inservice day I'm going to this week for school, my classes are singing French Christmas Carols for other classes, I'm having company over for fondue on Wed. and a regular full week of school.  My family is having a cookie/candy making night Tuesday as well.  Hopefully I'll be motivated enough with my rather outdated digital camera to take some pictures for some posts this week.

This last weekend we celebrated an early Christmas with my in-laws as they are out of town through Christmas visiting family on the east coast.  We had a lovely time.  The 2-inch thick hoar-frost really made it feel like Christmas too.  We saw our weekly Patriots Game and they won, as expected, though with not nearly the lead we were expecting.

That's all for now.  I'm rather boring atm anyway...

I added a new blog ending to give a snapshot to what I'm doing right now via Bohemian Twilight, one of the blogs I follow.

read: Turn Right at Machu Picchu, very easy reading and fascinating
taste: Red Curry from Thai Won On.
see: Milan sleeping in her corner by the tree
hear: My husband's computer game's sound effects
smell: lavendar
touch: My plush cozy blanket
think:  pulled in so many directions, yet too tired to be too concerned
feel:   fuzzy-headed

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The oddness that is my husband and I...

We didn't put up our Christmas Tree this year...

because we never took it down.

It was probably a mix between never getting around to taking it down and just not wanting to.  Its kind of a nice decoration for our apartment and people's weird looks about it just don't bother us and in turn, people just laugh about the fact that we left ALL our Christmas Decs up and then get over it.

I did add some decs though this year.  I hung some pretty balls from the windows and got some more candles, balls to decorate the coffee table.  It all looks nice with our decor since I've kept with my red and turquoise color theme for the entire apartment.  Our bedroom is all light green and turquoise for a little difference.

Here's a couple pics, albeit blurry:

I bought Kitty her present early, her very own plush kitty blanket.  I cat-nipped it and she spent the first 2 days litterally licking it to death.  Finally the smell decreased enough for her to just relax and sleep in it.  Overall its a success and it hasn't lost too much of its fuzziness in that one particular patch.  Silly cat.  
Lately, kitty has been sleeping next to the Christmas Tree.  I think she's drawn to it more now that we turn on the lights every evening for it. I did find an ornament on the floor a couple days ago though, so she may have taken a brief destructive interest too. 

Sorry the picture aren't wonderful.  I still don't know how to take pictures without flash and not have them blurry... If any of you know what to do, let me know.  I've tried propping it up on objects to keep myself from moving, but only with limited success.  Before long, I'd really just like to invest in a semi-professional camera so I can do a better job of documenting life's happenings.  But, I'm not even an amateur photographer and have no idea what to get.  I will have to do some research...

A post coming up about my holiday favs.  Happy December all!