Monday, September 27, 2010

3.5 months! Already!!??

This last weekend we drove across the state to visit the in-laws since my SIL and her baby were visiting from Georgia. We also wanted to catch up with our friends that live in the area as well. We had a great time. The niece is now 3.5 months old and is quite the mover. She hasn't yet rolled over, but it will happen very soon I'm sure. Here's some pics of her cuteness:
It's raining when I wanted SUNSHINE! How DARE it!

Why hello there person staring. I know, you just can't resist . . .

Oooook, you got me on that one!! :)

Omg, I can't BREATHE I'm laughing so hard!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First pro sport game!

What! you ask? Why the ____ have you not been to pro sports game??? Well, actually, I have. It's my darling husband who's been living in a cave otherwise known as Walla Walla up until recently. :P The poor man has just not had the right opportunities in life. He's always lived in a small town, out the in country, where it's a little boring, unvaried, and usually brown, hot, brown, dry, did I mention brown?

Anyway, since we're pretty much penniless atm we decided we could afford only one pro game, and a cheaper sport at that, the Mariners. We went with the hubs' uncle and cousin. Baseball games are entertaining an all, especially when something actually happens, but I was happy to be able to chat with the cousin for the rest of the time. We had the usually fair, burger and garlic fries. We cheered when the Mariners did something right, etc, etc. The only problem was the Mariners were playing the Boston Red Sox, yeah, doomed from the start pretty much and WE WERE OUTNUMBERED. There were more people wearing red than any other color! The cheering for the non home team was ridiculous. I mean, who has the money to fly out to watch a game across the US??? It's not the superbowl people. *rolls eyes* We lost, Micah finally saw his first pro game, and we all came home with awesomely strong breath. End of story.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Our little charge...

I am just sooo cute aren't I?

Here, let me prove it by stretching mahself into another adorably purrfect position.

And then later that day:
 Playing dead to see if my temp. owners notice . . .

Not working, let's do the more direct and face head-on. Yes, yessss, I can feel the camera lady start to relent!

Come here camera lady who wants to pet me. You know you do!

*YAWN* Fine, suit yourself, I have better things to do, like leave fuzzies on the male's office chair. So there!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

New pad

Finally, FINALLY some pics of our new place. It is not nearly finished being decorated, as you will see. It is a definite work in progress, but Micah and I love our new place. Also, our little place feels a little more complete since we are babysitting my sister's cat while she's away on vacation. Milou, the little white persian you'll see in a moment is not a lap cat, but pleasant company all the same and LOVES being petted while staying on the ground if-you-please.

Here goes:
Our dining area. The tablecloth is a lil too long, but someday we'll get a bigger table . . .

My lovely kitchen. I got so many lovely things from my registry!

The bathroom, also very nicely decorated because of my new bathroom set.

My desk (top) and Micah's (bottom). With Milou happy to leave Micah little fuzzy presents on his chair.
Part of our living room (which needs the most work in the house). We are starting to collect some nice things though. : )

And last but not least, our prettiest room (I think). The bedroom.

Now for a closer look at the sleepy persian.

Hope everyone enjoys Labor Day! I know I will!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Should teachers feel this tired?

My brain is worn out and my feet are killing me. The funny thing is it's not really the classes that are really wearing me out, its all the other misc. junk that we have to worry about that's stressful. My new laptop is not cooperating and we might have to wipe it and start over. I'm having issues trying to get things to print, and I'm missing important technology that allows me to hook up my laptop to the Smartboard, which I need tomorrow for a presentation.

On top of that, I have to figure out the schedules and logistics, and rules for two different schools and let me tell you now that although these two schools are in the same district and are even located next door to each other, the rules are COMPLETELY different. There are so many questions I need to ask, and I can never remember them all when I finally find the right person to ask.

At least the kids are great. :P Right?

I'm really hoping things start to settle down as I figure my life out here.

On the married front, things are wonderful. Micah's been such a big help around the place. Whoever has the longest time home does most of the cleaning, laundry, etc. Though, sometimes it's hard to spend time with each other since I leave early in the morning and he works in the afternoons.

The apartment is still not decorated fully. We can't afford to do it now. We'll have to add little piece by little piece as we get the funds. Bleh. I hate being part time. And, we've decided that we can't afford a cat yet too. *sniff* If only there weren't such nasty pet fees . . . .

The parents in law are coming this weekend, which means I've got a lot of cooking to do. Gotta at least impress with the food if not the decor. :P Wish me luck!